Karl Stefanovic Forced To Have A Chat With His Brother Peter About ...

17 days ago

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact

Karl Stefanovic has had to have a stern chat with his attic dwelling brother Peter this morning, as the nation was left feeling collectively shocked and dismayed by his trainwreck interview with an indigenous teenager from Katherine, who was recently announced as the the million dollar fish winner.

Peter Stefanovic - Figure 1
Photo The Betoota Advocate

Sponsored by Sportsbet, The ‘Million Dollar Fish’ is a Willy Wonka style competition that has been running since 2015, and involves hundreds of fish tagged with unique markings released into Northern Territory waterways every season, with prices ranging from $10,000 to $1 million. 

No one had won the million dollar fish until two days ago, when Katherine teenager Keegan Payne and his sister spotted a red tag in a barramundi.

The interview, which shows a very wooden Peter Stefanovic attempting to appear human, quickly escalated from a heartwarming story about a down on his luck teenager winning the impossible, to Stefanovic launching an interrogation for no other reason but to be divisive – with the sudden gear shift being so unnecessary, even Daily Mail commenters found it distasteful.

The segment, which has since been taken down from the Sky News website, sees Stefanovic randomly start pressing Keegan on an incident from his younger years, in what was obviously meant to humiliate the teen in what should have been a joyous moment.

Karl has now been forced to step up as an older brother, and give Peter a pretty standard lesson in media he probably should have learned in term one of journalism school.

“Look, we’re going to have to lock you back up in the attic if you keep going”, Karl had chided, gently prizing his hand out of Peter’s mouth, “I wouldn’t have stuck my neck for you if I knew this was the kind of shit you were going to pull.”

“No more porterhouse steaks, it’s two weeks of fish heads in a bucket for you mate.”

More to come.

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