Polls set to close soon in the ACT as Canberra waits to learn the ...

5 hours ago

Election day has arrived in the ACT, with polls set to close at 6pm.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr is hoping to secure another term for ACT Labor, after the party has already been in power for 23 years.

ACT election 2024 - Figure 1
Photo ABC News

Elizabeth Lee, the leader of the Canberra Liberals, has for her own part been banking on "a mood for change" that some say exists within the territory.

And we'll also learn the fate of the ACT Greens, who currently hold six seats in a coalition with Labor, and the independents, who have attempted to shake up the political landscape.

Stay with us as the results come in across the evening.

Key Events

Forever government?

27 minutes agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:44am

Let's get you up to speed on ACT politics

48 minutes agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:22am

6m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 7:04am

Polls have officially closed in the ACT, Labor confident

Well, polls have closed in the ACT.

Now we wait...

Our political reporter Patrick Bell is currently at Labor HQ, here's what he's hearing inside.

"Labor insiders are confident the party’s vote will hold up reasonably well.

ACT election 2024 - Figure 2
Photo ABC News

It currently holds two seats in each of the five electorates, and it would take a dire result in any given electorate for Labor to fall to just one.

The best prospect for a pickup is a third seat in Ginninderra, where the Liberal campaign has endured a fair bit of disruption.

But Labor sources have also told the ABC it’s possible some incumbent MLAs are defeated by other Labor candidates.

Police Minister Mick Gentleman in Brindabella, and Suzanne Orr in Yerrabi, are two Labor members who may face tough battles to be re-elected."

9m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 7:02am

Lee hoping to unseat Labor

As we said earlier, it would take a major upset for Labor to lose power tonight, and it's Elizabeth Lee who's hoping to be that upset.

Lee has been leader of the Canberra Liberals since October 2020 and represents the electorate of Kurrajong.

During the campaign she told ABC's Stateline she's aiming high and looking to win with big ticket items like a new housing development in Kowen Forest and a stadium for the city.

ACT election 2024 - Figure 3
Photo ABC News

Here she is out voting today with her family.

(ABC News: Victor Petrovic)

12m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:59am

Exclusive from our democracy sausage corro

Our democracy sausage correspondent Monte Bovill has been enjoying a food tour of the polling booths in the ACT.

Here's what he has to say:

"What an exciting day it has been already!

55 polling stations have been open across the city, and almost every single one had a fundraiser of some sort.

I spoke to volunteers at barbecues and cake stalls at a number of schools, all of which say they have been run off their feet.

At Red Hill Primary School, cinnamon scrolls were very popular, with money raised going towards a new water bubbler and cricket nets.

(ABC News: Monte Bovill)

Further south, books, plants, sausages and cakes were on offer at Mawson Primary School.

They were raising funds for a playground expansion and bike shelters.

ACT election 2024 - Figure 4
Photo ABC News

Year five student Thea was also selling painted rocks - so cool!

(ABC News: Monte Bovill)

At Melrose High School in Pearce, the Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scouts had a sausage sizzle and cake stall.

Up the road at Curtin Prime School, I'm told the 'frog in a pond' jelly sold out fast."

(ABC News: Monte Bovill)

18m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:53am

At the moment...

In the "Let's get you up to speed on ACT politics" Section, Labor is described as "atm Labor". Is this a typo or political commentary on Labors spending.

- Charlie

Okay Charlie, there's been chat in the newsroom about my use of acronyms already so you are not the only one...

Atm = at the moment.

19m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:51am


As my colleague political reporter Patrick Bell wrote, a seventh consecutive Labor win would be unparalleled in Australia in the 21st century.

To give you an idea of how long it's been — in the same year Labor came to power, 2001, the iPod had only just been unveiled and the Nokia 3310 mobile phone was widely in use.

ACT election 2024 - Figure 5
Photo ABC News

That was the year Survivor by Destiny's Child and No Angel by Dido were topping music charts, and the first Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films were released.

(Supplied: Warner Bros.)

While it's clearly been a while, Chief Minister Andrew Barr insists his party is "fresh" and full of energy.

25m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:46am

Sneak peek at ABC election HQ

While we will be keeping you up to date here online, ABC election team is gearing up to bring you live coverage of the count this evening from its election centre at the National Museum.

James Glenday (with a cameo from the ABC's election specialist Casey Briggs) had an early look.

Key Event

27m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:44am

Forever government?

Described by some as a possible "forever government", ACT Labor has been in office for 23 years.

It's the longest-running current Labor government in Australia by a country mile (eg 20 years).

ACT election 2024 - Figure 6
Photo ABC News

And, our election specialist Antony Green reckons it would take a pretty major upset to change that.

So, will this government truly be forever?

Will Chief Minister Andrew Barr lead Labor to re-election for a third time?

(ABC News: Selby Stewart)

46m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:24am

'Politicians are so cringe'

We are hoping this isn’t the first time you are finding out there’s an election on...

For these young Canberrans this week, they found out with just enough time before they headed to the polls.

Our reporter Jostina Basta asked them what they thought about the election, and politics in general.

Key Event

48m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:22am

Let's get you up to speed on ACT politics

So you might have heard we do things a little differently in the ACT when it comes to our government setup.

I won't bore you with the details on what a Hare-Clark system is (and I don't want to embarrass myself by trying to do so correctly).

ACT election 2024 - Figure 7
Photo ABC News

So here's the TLDR.

We have five, five-member electorates.

And atm Labor makes up government with the help of the Greens.

The Greens have six seats, Labor has 10, and the Liberals have eight (they used to have nine until recently… we will get into that a bit later).

Thirteen seats are required to make up a majority government (which has only happened once in the ACT).

Here are our electorates, and how many candidates are in the running for them:

• Brindabella — 24 candidates

• Ginninderra — 33 candidates

• Kurrajong — 34 candidates

• Murrumbidgee — 27 candidates

• Yerrabi — 31 candidates

59m agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:11am

Polls are closing soon

Hello, I'm Niki Burnside and I'll be sharing the blogging duties with Georgia.

We'll also be joined by some of our ABC colleagues, including political reporters and analysts, throughout the night.

Polls are due to close at 6pm, at which point the results will start to come in fairly quickly.

ACT election 2024 - Figure 8
Photo ABC News

We'll be providing you with regular updates here and on our live broadcast, which you can tune into on ABC TV.

Thanks to the wonders of electronic voting, the counting doesn't take as long as it once did.

So settle in, rustle up some snacks, and get ready to learn the fate of the ACT!

(ABC News: Michael Barnett)

1h agoSat 19 Oct 2024 at 6:10am


Welcome to election night here in Australia's capital, coming to you from Ngunnawal country, acknowledging others with a connection to the lands of the ACT. 

My name's Georgia Roberts and I will be taking you through this evening's events.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Ps. You have just under one hour to vote if it happened to have slipped your mind (and you've not seen the abundance of corflutes around the ACT)

(ABC News: Victor Petrovic )
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