Horowhenua Community Invited To ANZAC Day Commemorations

8 Apr 2024
Anzac Day

Monday, 8 April 2024, 3:08 pm
Press Release: Horowhenua District Council

To commemorate ANZAC Day, a number of observances will be held in eight Horowhenua towns.

Observed annually on 25 April, ANZAC Day is Aotearoa New Zealand's most important day of national commemoration. It marks the anniversary of the first major action by New Zealand and Australian forces during the First World War, landing on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

Our community and visitors are invited to mark the day by gathering in person to commemorate those we have lost to war and to honour returned servicemen and women during ceremonies in Levin, Foxton, Shannon, Manakau, Moutoa, Waitārere Beach, Ōhau and Tokomaru.

Mayor Bernie Wanden says, “We will be forever grateful to the incredible sacrifices made by our defence force. ANZAC Day is a time to reflect on, and honour, brave men and women who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy today. It’s also an opportunity to pause and acknowledge the modern-day heroes protecting our peace, especially with current conflict in various parts of the globe.”

ANZAC Day observances in Horowhenua

Some parade routes have changed from previous years to save on logistical costs.

Foxton Dawn Service

5.30am Assemble as RSA, Easton Street

5.45am Parade moves off to Cenotaph

6.00am Cenotaph Service begins

Wet weather alternative: Service will take place inside RSA

Foxton Civic Ceremony

9.00am Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, Main Street

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9.35am Parade assembles at Wharf Street to move off to Cenotaph

9.40am Cenotaph Service begins

Wet weather alternative: Ceremony will take place inside Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom

Levin Dawn Service

5.45am Assemble as RSA, Devon Street

6.00am Parade moves off to Cenotaph

6.15am Cenotaph Service begins

6.45am Return to RSA

Provision will be made for those members unable to march to the Cenotaph from the Levin RSA.

Wet weather alternative: Service will take place inside RSA

Levin Civic Ceremony

10.00am Parade to assemble outside Thompson House Gardens on Kent Street

10.10am Parade moves off to Cenotaph

10.30am Cenotaph Service begins

Wet weather alternative: Ceremony will take place inside Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō

Levin Retreat Ceremonies

4.45pm The Avenue Cemetery

5.15pm Tiro Tiro Road Cemetery

Manakau Special Memorial Service

7.20am Assemble outside Manakau Hall to march to the War Memorial in Honi Taipua Street

Moutoa Civic Ceremony

9.00am Moutoa Memorial Gates, Foxton-Shannon Road

Ōhau Civic Ceremony

2:00pm Tea/Coffee and children’s activities at Ōhau Community Hall

2:45pm Formal reflections and acknowledgement of ANZAC Day

3:15pm Music and sing-along

Shannon Civic Ceremony

11.15am Parade assembles at the corner of Vance Street and Plimmer Terrace

11.25am Parade moves off to Cenotaph

11.30am Cenotaph Service begins

Wet weather alternative: Ceremony will take place at Shannon Memorial Hall

Tokomaru Civic Ceremony

10.00am RSA and Country Club, Matipo Street

Waitārere Beach Civic Ceremony

8.30am Tea/Coffee at Waitārere Beach Bowling Club, Park Avenue

9:00am Service begins

For more information about ANZAC Day in Horowhenua, visit horowhenua.govt.nz/ANZAC.

In the event of bad weather, commemorations will move indoors. Some locations will change as indicated. An announcement will be made on facebook.com/HorowhenuaDC on ANZAC Day morning should we need to move to wet weather venues

Lest we forget.

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