20 questions with Grace Clinton

11 Jul 2024

Published 11 July 2024 5 min read

England Women's Senior Team

The England midfielder reveals more about herself in our regular feature

England Football - Figure 1
Photo England Football

More about the Lionesses

1) What's your first memory?

My mum likes to tell me the first time I walked was when we were all sat on the couch one day and next minute I stood up, walked over to the TV, picked up the remote and walked back. That was it.

2) If you could go back in time, where would you go?

I honestly don’t think I would. I love my memories and I love thinking back to them rather than wanting to relive them.

3) What do you like most about yourself?

I'm quite energetic. I like to think I'm quite fun and I love to have a laugh with the girls.

4) What's your biggest achievement?

Obviously my England debut, both playing and then scoring. It's what you dream of when you're a kid.

5) What's your worst habit?

I'm quite forgetful. Sometimes I forget my boots and stuff. But I'd say my worst habit is having a cup of tea before bed. There's a bit of caffeine in there and I never learn.

18 Apr 2024 6:01

Grace Clinton interview

The midfielder chats Debut, Call-up Reaction, First England Goal & Life With The Lionesses

6) What makes you most angry?

I have high standards when I'm on the pitch and I get quite angry with myself if I don't feel like I'm reaching the standards.

England Football - Figure 2
Photo England Football

7) Who is your biggest influence?

That would be my dad. He's obsessed with football and he's helped me so much. When I need an arm around my shoulder he does that and when I need a kick up the bum he does the same.

8) How do you react under pressure?

It can be a mixture. Most of the time it doesn't bother me that much. I just love to play football and I'm quite a confident player so to be honest every game is the same for me. As long as I get the basics right I'm usually fine. I can get in my head a bit because my standards are high so maybe pressure can do that. Sometimes it can help me.

9) When do you feel most at ease?

When I go to the coffee shop on my own. I like to go and read or maybe write and it makes me feel really content.

10) What do you dream about when you sleep?

I have a lot of dreams about football and sometimes I dream about food. Then I think I'm eating food and I wake up really hungry.

Grace Clinton in training for England

11) What's your favourite phrase or word?

I don't realise it but I quite often say, 'Are you mad?' to anything. It's just something that comes out of me.

12) What reminds you of home?

Probably a roast dinner or really good food because my mum and sister are really good cooks. When I have something nice I'll always send a picture to them because it makes me feel like I'm at home.

13) Are you superstitious about anything?

No but I love a hug before games or training or anything. I'll always hug most people. I also have pancakes before every game.

14) What makes you cry?

To be honest, I never cry. I might get angry sometimes but I never cry.

15) One song that makes you feel good?

A song called Electric Feel by Henry Green. There aren't that many lyrics, it's a DJ song. It just makes me feel really peaceful.

Grace Clinton celebrates her first England goal against Austria

16) What is your biggest obstacle?

I can get in my head a lot and talk a lot. I usually know I'm having a better game when my mind's quiet, rather than when it's racing.

17) What's your favourite place in the world?

Probably Spain. I just like the vibes there. It's so peaceful, I love a nap, and an afternoon siesta is perfect. I like Alicante.

18) What's your most valuable possession?

I live away from home so I do need my phone to talk to my family. I talk to my sister every day. If I couldn't I think I'd go crazy.

19) What's your worst fear?

Not being able to play the sport I love, it's such a big part of my life.

20) How would you like to be remembered?

As a nice, friendly person. A funny person ideally, but certainly someone that people like.

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