Full Moon in February 2024: What you can do on Snow Moon?

23 Feb 2024
Full moon

Full Moon



holds a great religious and spiritual significance among


. Moon is one of soft planet among nine planets. It showers blessings on earth on Full Moon Day. The Full Moon which is going to occur on February 24, 2024 is popularly known as Snow Moo and

Micro Moon

. Understand more about this Full Moon. Let's check out :-
What is Micro Moon?
This year's full moon in February is a "Micromoon." It simply indicates that the full Moon is at its greatest distance - not its closest - from Earth.

Astronomically, this is referred to as the "apogee." The Micro full Moon in February is located approximately 252,225 miles away from Earth.
What is Snow Moon?

The Snow Moon got its name since February usually sees a lot of snowfall. The National Weather Service reports that February is often the snowiest month in the US. According to Captain Jonathan Carver's visit in 1760 to the place, he gave the name of Snow Moon because more snow commonly falls during this month than any other in the winter.
What to do on Full Moon?
People can follow some general astrological remedies and practices to do on the day of Full Moon day :-

1. Fasting
People observe fast on the day of Full Moon. Fasting is believed to cleanse the mind, body and soul.
2. Offer Prayers and Chanting Mantra
Reciting Mantras and offering prayers to the Moon God on the day of Full moon is considered auspicious. It helps in removing the bad effects of Moon though Moon is a soft planet but when it comes in conjunction with malefic planet then it gives bad effects. You can chant this Chandra Mantra to get the benefit - Om Som Somaye Namah.
3. Moon Bath
People are advised to sit under the Moon for sometimes and take a Moon shower which cleanses your soul and mind as Full Moon rays contains good elements which has the ability to heal the person.
4. Offer water and other offerings
People should offer Arghya and put some raw milk to water then offer it to the Lord Moon Show your gratitude to the Moon and seek blessings.
5. Donations and Charity
Donating food to Brahmins on the day of Purnima is considered highly auspicious.
6. Perform Meditation
Doing meditation on the day of Purnima or Full Moon is good for health as it heals the person from anxiety issues, depression and people who are suffering from panic attacks, they must get involved in this.
7. Yoga and Pranayam
Performing Yoga and Pranayama and other breathing exercises on the day of Full Moon relaxes and energize the body. It has several health benefits.
8. Holy Bath
Taking holy bath in sacred river Ganga is considered highly meritorious nd it also removes all the sins committed knowingly or unknowingly.
9. Visiting Temple
Devotees must visit Radha Krishna or Laxmi Narayan temple on the day of Full Moon and people can connect spiritually to the supreme power.
10. Releases Negativity
It is considered the best time to remove negativity such as negative thoughts, emotions and negative energy. People can write their negative emotions or thoughts on paper and they can burn those papers to release the negative energy.

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