3 years ago - April 16, 2021

Geelong - Figure 1
Photo Geelong Independent

15 years ago

April 17, 2009

Residents at Indented Head want to form a community group to strengthen plans to preserve an environmentally sensitive piece of land.

The town’s community association is behind a proposal to establish a ‘friends’ group that would manage an area currently locked up to development.

11 years ago

April 19, 2013

Almost 200 paramedics shifts went unfilled in the region last year, mostly due to bad rostering organised outside Geelong, according to the State Opposition.

Geelong - Figure 2
Photo Geelong Independent

Shadow health parliamentary secretary Wade Noonan labelled the centralised rostering system “a shambles” as he slated State Government over 192 unfilled shifts in the Barwon South West region, up from 154 in 2011.

7 years ago

April 21, 2017

A strategy that beat overnight store burglaries in Ocean Grove is on the way to Geelong, police have revealed.

Police will first encourage Geelong West traders to close stores without leaving money inside as burglary rates surge on Pakington St.

Geelong - Figure 3
Photo Geelong Independent

3 years ago

April 16, 2021

A perceived “lack of consultation” over the naming of Geelong council’s civic precinct has raised concerns among local Aboriginal groups and individuals about “systemic issues” in state legislation.

The criticism followed council’s announcement on Monday that it would name its new $102.5 million headquarters Wurriki Nyal in tribute to the region’s Indigenous history.