Greg Lynn sentencing live updates: Victorian High Country killer ...

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Read Gregory Lynn’s ‘contrition letter’ in fullBy Erin Pearson

In the letter to Justice Michael Croucher, Gregory Lynn wrote the following:

Greg Lynn - Figure 1
Photo The Age


Lynn instructs his lawyer to lodge an appealBy Erin Pearson

Outside court, Lynn’s defence barrister, Dermot Dann, KC, said he’d been instructed to now lodge an appeal against conviction.

He has 28 days to do so. Dann made no comment on the length of sentence handed down.

Defence barrister Dermot Dann (right) has been instructed to lodge an appeal.Credit: LUIS ENRIQUE ASCUI


Photos from courtBy Joe Armao and Eddie Jim

Age photographer Joe Armao has been at the Supreme Court for Gregory Lynn’s sentencing.

This is his picture of Robyn Hill, the wife of Russell Hill, who wept as Justice Michael Croucher spoke highly of her dignity and the agony she must have endured after her husband’s death.

This picture was taken before the sentencing hearing began.

Robyn Hill.Credit: Joe Armao

Earlier, Age photographer Eddie Jim captured this image, taken just before Lynn’s sentencing hearing.

Greg Lynn - Figure 2
Photo The Age

Lynn arrives at the Supreme Court on Friday.Credit: Eddie Jim

During his five-week trial earlier this year, Lynn wore the same suit and tie he wore today at his sentencing hearing.


Justice Croucher’s final remarks By Erin Pearson

The sentencing hearing is now over.

In his final remark before leaving the bench, Justice Michael Croucher said: “To the families of both deceased, I say I am terribly sorry for your loss.”


How Gregory Lynn reacted to his 32-year jail sentenceBy Erin Pearson

Seconds before Justice Michael Croucher delivered his verdict, Gregory Lynn was told to stand for the moment.

While the sentence was read aloud for the first time: 32 years, 24 years before parole, Lynn lowered his eyes in the direction of the judge.

Afterward, seated again, he sipped water from a white paper cup.

Meanwhile, a little earlier, some of the family of Carol Clay appeared shocked as Croucher revealed he believed this murder was in the middle range of seriousness.

Greg Lynn - Figure 3
Photo The Age

Seated in the front row, one sat with her mouth open while another held her head in her hands.


Former airline pilot Gregory Lynn sentenced to 32 years’ jail for murdering camper Carol ClayBy Erin Pearson

Former airline pilot Gregory Lynn has been sentenced to 32 years’ jail with a non parole of 24 years for murdering camper Carol Clay.

He will be about 87 when the head sentence expires.


Sentencing imminent as Justice turns to rehabilitation prospectsBy Erin Pearson

We are coming towards the end of the sentencing hearing as Justice Michael Croucher says he believes Lynn has reasonable prospects of rehabilitation.

Croucher said the average length of a murder sentence over the five years to 2022 was 22 years and four months.

Greg Lynn in a prison van,.Credit: Jason South


‘I don’t ask for forgiveness’: Gregory Lynn’s apology letterBy Erin Pearson

The court has just heard that Gregory Lynn wrote a letter of apology to the Justice handing down his sentence, Michael Croucher.

Greg Lynn - Figure 4
Photo The Age

Inside courtroom three, Lynn appeared unmoving while this letter was read out. He looked straight ahead towards the justice, as he had done for most of the hearing.

While appearing uncomfortable, he has shown no emotion.

This is what the letter – read aloud to the court – said:

I am disappointed and perplexed at the jury verdict as I have not killed anyone.

However I accept that my decision to flee the scene and attempt to disappear ...was selfish and callous in the extreme.

For those actions I am very sorry.

I don’t ask for forgiveness, I am simply sorry for what I have done.

Sincerely Greg Lynn.


Gregory Lynn’s background as a pilot and father of threeBy Erin Pearson

We are now moving to Gregory Lynn’s background as a pilot and father of three.

In addition to his work, Lynn has been involved in various volunteer organisations and charities.

He has a strong history of working and providing for his family, rising to leadership positions in his industry.

Greg Lynn - Figure 5
Photo The Age

Greg Lynn was found gulity of murdering Carol Clay.Credit: Nine

Lynn has a lack of prior convictions and a strong history of employment.

Dermot Dann, KC, said his client’s conditions in custody should also be considered in sentencing.

Lynn has been assaulted in custody and has been required to live in protection because of his high profile.

Justice Michael Croucher has accepted these things will make his life in custody more onerous than for others.

He also considered Lynn’s age and the fact that it would “represent a substantial proportion and possibly the entirety” of the rest of Lynn’s life.


‘Violent, brutal, horrific’: Justice speaks moral culpabilityBy Erin Pearson

Justice Michael Croucher said Gregory Lynn’s moral culpability for Carol Clay’s death was “very high.”

It was a violent, brutal, horrific death.

There is no suggestion that Mrs Clay posed any threat to Mr Lynn.

This was just a terrible thing to do, hence my conclusion that this was a very grave murder.

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