Posted 7th March 2023

The ABC regularly receives queries concerning abusive comments being made on social media about presenters and journalists, particularly female ones.

Under the guise of concern, these stories are republishing abuse. 

News Corporation’s sent these questions at 6.42am today, shortly before publishing a story:


I’m reaching out in regards to the vile comments ABC News Breakfast Host Lisa Millar has been receiving online in recen days over her outfit on Monday. I just wanted to check in to see how Lisa was doing and to see if she or the ABC wanted to comment on the behaviour of the trolls online for a story? 

If so, can you please provide a statement regarding how Lisa is doing, what ABC’s reaction is towards people making these inappropriate comments online, how the ABC plans to take action, if any, against those making inappropriate comments and what the ABC will do to ensure comments like this are regulated or prevented in the future. We’re also open to anything additional you would like to add. 

A story calling out the disrespectful online behaviour will be going up sometime this morning, so I would appreciate it if you could send me any comments by 9am. If any comments are sent after that, we will update the piece accordingly if it’s been published. 

Daily Mail Australia has also published a very similar story.

The ABC is not going to dignify any “vile comments” being made about a presenter’s clothes by responding to them.

If Daily Mail Australia and were genuine in their concern about such behaviour they wouldn’t amplify it by republishing the comments they describe as “vile” and “sickening”, accompanied by a screenshot. 

Giving anonymous social media bullies publicity on a national platform is participating in perpetuating antisocial behaviour and the very serious issue of online abuse of women.   

Especially on the eve of International Women’s Day, we ask for a more responsible approach to reporting on these issues.

Director, News Justin Stevens: “The relentless and vile bullying Lisa Millar is subjected to on social media, particularly Twitter, is unacceptable. She is an outstanding broadcaster and journalist and does an incredible job.

“Media outlets that amplify this disgusting anonymous trolling need to take a good hard look at themselves and their standards.” 

Media contact: Sally Jackson | ABC Communications | [email protected]

Note: This statement was updated on 7 March 2023 to reflect that Daily Mail Australia has also published a very similar story.