Loud Shirt Day Is Today

2 hours ago

Friday, 18 October 2024, 9:24 am Press Release: Loud Shirt Day

Loud Shirt Day - Figure 1
Photo Scoop.co.nz

Today is Loud Shirt Day 2024 -- a national fundraising campaign to raise awareness of those Kiwis who use cochlear implants to access sound. 

Loud Shirt Day is the annual appeal of The Hearing House (THH) and the Southern Cochlear Implant Programme (SCIP) – the only two charities in New Zealand dedicated to providing access to sound and spoken language through cochlear implants. 

In celebration of Loud Shirt Day, Kiwis throughout the country are encouraged to dress up in their brightest outfits and hold fundraising events at workplaces, homes and schools.  Fundraisers can register on the Loud Shirt Day website here, and make donations here. 

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For the past 20 years, SCIP and THH have been providing specialised care to more than 2,600 adults and children who access sound with cochlear implants throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Through their dedicated teams of audiologists, specialised therapists and support staff, they deliver a range of services and programmes to assist babies, children and adults with cochlear implants as they learn to hear and communicate.

Funds raised through Loud Shirt Day ensure The Hearing House and SCIP can continue to provide specialised listening and spoken language therapy to thousands of New Zealanders with cochlear implants. 

“Receiving a cochlear implant is just the beginning of a person’s journey to sound,” says Dr Claire Green, CEO of The Hearing House. “They’ll need ongoing, specialist support from The Hearing House and SCIP, and funds raised through Loud Shirt Day will help ensure we can continue this service.”

Neil Heslop, CEO of SCIP, adds, “As charities, we rely on fundraising and donations to bridge the shortfall in the public funding we receive to provide unique services and programmes to our clients, including outreach clinics and the Cochlear Implant Repair Fund, and to help cover our operating costs. The support from the public is invaluable.”

If you can’t do your fundraising activities today, that doesn’t matter. You can support Loud Shirt Day any day this month or next month that suits you – the Loud Shirt Day 2024 fundraising platform is open until 31 December, 2024.

For further information and access to SCIP and The Hearing House case studies, please see the Loud Shirt Day website www.loudshirtday.org.nz or contact [email protected]

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