Man City Asked To Be Tried For Possession Of Indecent Images ...

NOTING the lax approach to punishing the possession of indecent images of children, Man City, who are accused of 115 breaches of Premier League financial fair play rules, have spied a cunning legal strategy which could see them walk away without any punishment.

“No, we insist, we feel the 115 charges for football accounting tomfoolery are as bad nay worse than almost every crime which is why we say let’s take this into proper court and charge us with something really severe,” legal council for Man City Lord Panicking explained.

The alleged breaches of financial rules against City actually now stand at a total 130 after a further 15 charges were found down the sofa cushions by the Premier League whose case against the league champions is currently before an independent commission.

Some cynics (most likely sore loser Arsenal fans) have suggested this is a gambit by City to be charged with one of the few crimes that seem to carry no real punishment in English courts.

“Thirty-five instances of failing to cooperate with Premier League investigations over a five-year period between 2018-2023 and 54 alleged failures to provide accurate financial information? No wonder these Mancs are trying to haggle down to a guarantee walk-free slap on the wrist for noncery,” suggested one irritated Arsenal fan.

A poll conducted among Premier League rivals has confirmed that demoting Man City to the Guantanamo Bay Conference League and sending Erling Haaland to the glue factory is still not a severe enough punishment.

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