R U OK? Day reduces stigma of mental illness

11 Sep 2023
Bundaberg Regional Council Community Development Officers will be in CBD pavilion spreading the R U OK Day message.

A range of activities will be held throughout the Bundaberg Region for R U OK? Day to empower everyone in connecting and lending support to others who are going through difficult times by starting a conversation.

R U OK day - Figure 1
Photo Bundaberg Now

This year R U OK? Day events will be held across the region and the community is encouraged to join in and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Community Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee said R U OK? Day was an important initiative, which had always been well supported in the Bundaberg Region.

“The R U OK? message is a wonderful initiative to help start discussion,” Cr McPhee said.

“The day encourages people to connect and have conversations.

“It’s vital we offer support to the people around us – family, friends and neighbours.

“It’s a simple question, are you OK?

“Be sure to listen and encourage action.

“Most importantly check back in.

“This can really impact those who are hurting and encourage them to access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis.”

R U OK? Day activities

R U OK? Day will be held on Thursday 14 September 2023.

To mark the day, Bundaberg Regional Council is holding or supporting a range of activities throughout the region, including:

Bundaberg CBD

Bundaberg Regional Council Community Development Officers will be in the Bundaberg CBD pavilion spreading the R U OK? Day message.

Community members are invited to stop by the CBD Pavilion to have a chat and pick up one of the printed resources between 10 am to 12 pm.

Hinkler Central

Relationships Australia Queensland is partnering with Council at Hinkler Central to promote connection and social wellness.

Relationships Australia Queensland case manager Diane King said R U OK? Day was important to the organisation as its mantra was about promoting respectful and healthy relationships.

“No matter how little or how long you have known someone in your life, the importance is that we check-in with each other regularly to ask R U OK?” Diane said.

The information stall will offer a wide range of information about service providers in the local community between 10 am and 2 pm.

“We encourage everyone to stop on by the stall that will be out front of Coles and get an information bag and just connect to your local service providers, who are here to support you,” Diane said.

Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery

The Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery will be hosting two mindful art activities in Gallery Park between noon and 2 pm.

The public is welcome to come and chat whilst working on creating a colourful community bunting to be displayed at the upcoming Milbi Festival.

Art therapy activities will be available for the community to explore their emotions and creative expression whilst learning techniques to help relieve stress.

Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre

Gin Gin community members are invited to stop by the the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre to join the team, between 9 am and 1 pm, and have a chat about how to support someone who is struggling.

Other news: Bulldogs donate more than $5,000 to LifeFlight
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