Camden Haven High School girls shine at rugby league gala day ...

6 Jun 2024
Claire Formica stops the opposition in their tracks.

FEMALE sports stars from Camden Haven High School (CHHS) represented the area with gusto at the recent Holli Wheeler nine-a-side rugby league gala day.

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Photo News Of The Area

The school’s under 14s side was particularly impressive, going through all their matches undefeated.

“It was the first time that the school had entered a team in all three age groups for this competition,” CHHS teacher Dylan Clark told News Of The Area (NOTA).

Laci Graby, captain of the CHHS Open Girls team, came away from the gala day “impressed” by her team’s effort.

She reserved special praise for Claire Formica, who she described as “a big standout and team carrier”.

“Our first game was pretty tough and we went down in that one,” Laci told NOTA.

“But it didn’t stop us and in the second game we came out on top because we didn’t give up.”

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Photo News Of The Area

Mr Clark said a mixture of factors had played a role in the increased number of female students engaging with sports at the school recently.

“The culture of the school is moving towards more contact sports, rugby league in particular,” Mr Clark said.

He also credits the ‘Targeted Sports Program’ that is offered at CHHS as having a positive impact.

Mr Clark said the program has “moved the girls through to tackle rugby league” and has been a vital tool for increasing students’ levels of “sporting skill, effort and play quality”.

The Targeted Sports Program (TSP) identifies students who are gifted and talented in either a specific sporting code or have a high level of “sporting skills”.

Rugby League - Figure 3
Photo News Of The Area

Students in the program attend their regular school classes, as well as specific TSP lessons.

During these lessons they have access to both PDHPE staff and specialist coaches.

The purpose of these sessions is to foster fitness, nutrition and sporting skills.

Grant Mason, a fitness instructor from CHHS, said the school’s female athletes were “there for each other and keen to put in the hard work”.

“They were committed to their training sessions; giving up their lunchtime and last periods so that on game day they could get out on the field and show the other schools what they have.”


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