All about the steps! How two Rugby League icons have inspired a ...

26 days ago

The following article, written by Sue Mott of community interest company Stepping Out With Carers, will appear in Saturday’s Wembley Finals Day matchday programme. The programme costs just £10, plus £3.20 postage and package, and is available to buy online now, direct from Curtis Sport (order by 4.30pm on Thursday 6 June to secure delivery by Saturday).   

ARE you busy in June? Fancy a walk, trot, run, wheel, golf game, rugby match or anything really that involves moving?  

You can do it wherever you like, with whoever you like – including dogs, horses, or hamsters if you can count their tiny steps. The only stipulation is that the action takes place between June 12th and 25th and – this is the important part – you dedicate your steps to the UK’s millions of unpaid carers and those they care for.

All the details of how to join in are on our website:

This all began because of the incredible tale of Rob and Lindsey Burrow, his superhuman mate Kevin Sinfield and the everyone involved in Rugby League who supports them.

We’re a little charity that organises walks for carers and those t

hey care for around the country. Last year, one of our wonderful volunteers, Lesley, was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. She wanted to do something really positive so we embarked on a fund-raising walk along the Pilgrim’s Way in Kent to Canterbury Cathedral. Kevin Sinfield made us a film which had a huge galvanising effect on everyone.

Lesley is no longer with us but she wanted to spirit of the event to continue, and especially for unpaid carers and those they care for to be widely celebrated. Especially as it can be a lonely, challenging, exhausting business.

So we thought why not ask everyone, anywhere, anyhow to take steps (or wheel rotations) during those two week in June. It starts in Carers’ Week, when perhaps more thoughts turn to carers than usual.

Then we asked the sporting and entertainment world to help. So if you decide to take part you’ll be joining: Leeds Rhinos, Sir Steve Redgrave, Clare Balding, Judy Murray, Dame Mary Peters, jockey Mick Fitzgerald and Strictly’s sparkling Anton (who is sending us dance steps), among many, many others.

This is literally open to everyone – it won’t cost you time, money or effort. Just do what you’d normally be doing – a walk to the shops, a session at the gym, even a walk upstairs (every step is precious). But remember to count your steps and send them to us on social media or by email.

Add your photos and and tell us your story, especially if your steps are dedicated to a particular carer and person they support.

You can use the hashtag #STEPOUT24 and tag us on social media using @carersstepoutuk for Instagram, @carersstepout on X and the Facebook account carerssteppingout.

Alternatively you can email [email protected]

We want to see how far we can go for our often isolated and unseen unpaid carers – and more importantly for them to see how much we really appreciate them. We don’t tell them or reward nearly often enough.

Carers and the people they care for themselves are very welcome to take part too – and thank you to everyone involved in Rugby League for setting this whole adventure in motion.

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