Remembering September 11 | EB Landing

8 days ago
September 11

​On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers of downtown Manhattan’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. were targeted in a series of coordinated attacks that would leave behind an everlasting imprint. As the events unfolded on that Tuesday morning, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives, over 600 were injured and our nation was unanimously overcome by terror, sadness and grief. Twenty-three years later, those emotions remain as we reflect on the day that will never be forgotten.

In honor and remembrance, Electric Boat will observe a 60-second moment of silence on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the Groton, New London and Quonset Point facilities. The moment of silence will take place at 8:46 a.m., marking the time American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and will be announced over the PA system in Groton and New London. In Quonset Point, the moment of silence will be signaled by sirens from security/Fire Marshal’s Office (FMO) vehicles positioned at various points throughout the facility.​

Employees at off-site locations are asked to join in taking a moment to be silent and remember.

Remember the fallen and their loved ones whose lives will never be the same.

Remember the survivors and the trauma they hold onto each and every day.

Remember the heroes who selflessly risked their lives to help others in their worst and final moments.

As a community of shipbuilders whose mission is to deliver world-class submarines that protect our nation, Electric Boat will always remember and will never forget.

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