Women's State of Origin 2023 Game 2: Queensland Maroons v NSW ...

22 Jun 2023

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58 mins: There’s no sign of giving up from the Blues, although things look dire now. Queensland just keep marching the ball up the field, making as many metres as they can and forcing the Blues to start from deep in their own territory. With the scores so close, it seems even more disappointing that it won’t be a three game series.

State of Origin Game 2 - Figure 1
Photo The Guardian

56 mins: Time is running out for the Blues now – the Queenslander chant is echoing around the stadium and the Maroons are close to their line.

54 mins: They can’t do anything with the challenge and kick the grubber straight to Upton. Queensland are content to just play smart and solid rugby league and frustrate the Blues by not allowing them to eat into their lead any further. NSW try again to make their way down the field, but they give the ball away through an incorrect play the ball.

52 mins: Huge crowd news! 18,275 fans in at Townsville to smash the record for a women’s Origin match. The Maroons play another conventional set and NSW get the ball down field again. The Blues are called for a knock on in the tackle, but there’s a captain’s challenge and it is overturned.

50 mins: The Blues are bursting with desperation, every move they make is full of passion as they head for the line. They can’t get it away the way they want to at the end of the set, but the Maroons knock on again. The next set doesn’t yield points either though and Queensland are back on the attack.

48 mins: NSW power their way down the field, but they drop the ball on the 50m line and Queensland looks to steady the ship and take the fire out of NSW’s game. A brilliant one one one strip by Sergis gets the ball back in Blues hands though.


It’s an easy kick for Southwell and the gap closes a little more.

46 mins: Another knock on from Queensland and NSW head back to the line. Dodd gets over, but she’s held up and they must have another shot from the 10m line. Queensland concede a penalty and NSW decide to take the two points.

44 mins: A knock on from the Maroons at the end of the last set, gave the Blues the ball back and another opportunity to eat into that lead, which they took up with Penitani’s try. Southwell’s kick is agonisingly short, hitting the cross bar and looking like it might slip over, but it bounces back into the field. Tonegato makes another break and NSW get great position, but Upton snatches on the grubber kick.

TRY! QLD 14-10 NSW

That will help the Blues cause! It’s Penitani again, she holds her position well as Tonegato and Kelly set her up with quick balls and drawing the defence.

39 mins: The crowd is asking for a penalty, but the referee won’t be swayed. Queensland need to make their way down the field unassisted and Upton tries to snaffle the kick, but Tonegato beats her to it. NSW get good field position, but can’t get a kick away at the end of the set.

37 mins: We’re back and NSW are determined to get to work making up this deficit and turning it into a lead. NSW had 66% of the territory in the first half, but they just couldn’t turn it into points. Queensland looked like adding points every time they came within cooee of NSW’s try line. NSW kicks off for this half and Brill puts them under pressure from the start. Queensland play smartly up the middle and put up a good kick for NSW to play their first set, which they complete.

Quick score check in the women’s Ashes – Australia are 23-0, with Beth Mooney on 6 and the debutant Phoebe Litchfield on 15. Remember you can follow all the action on our live blog!

Half time! QLD 14-6 NSW

That was a huge first half – NSW looked dominant early on, but once Queensland scored, they looked like they had their mojo back and they couldn’t be stopped. The Blues will be relishing this break to regather themselves and find that early form again. It will be very tough from here – they need to score 17 points in the second half, while denying Queensland any. It’s a tough ask – let’s see how they go after the break!

34 mins: NSW get good field position but a big tackle on Kernick by Gray shakes the ball loose. They force a Queensland touch in the mess, so they get the ball back and have the opportunity to go to the line again. Chapman makes a huge run at the line, but the Maroons hold her up and then Southwell goes close, but drops the ball before she can score.

32 mins: NSW with a big mistake from the kick off – it’s out on the full and Queensland get a penalty on the 50m line. They get close to the line again, but they overcook the kick and it’s out over the dead ball line. The Blues get a seven tackle set, let’s see what they can do with it.


Again it seems Queensland has been reading what I’m writing, suddenly Temara is spurred into action and knocks the conversion over.

State of Origin Game 2 - Figure 2
Photo The Guardian

This match is now wildly swinging in Queensland’s favour – Tarryn Aiken ran through the Blues like they weren’t there and flew over the line.

28 mins: The conversion is unsuccessful – Temara is not having much luck with goal kicking this series. Queensland receives the ball and continues to drive it up the middle of the field. NSW are looking desperate to get in front – the pressure of the eight-point margin is starting to show.


The first time that the Maroons get good field position to start a set and they make it count. A nice offload from Pelite to Bass sees the try scored out on the left edge.

24 mins: Great defence from Brigginshaw forces an error from Boyle and Queensland get the ball back via a scrum. They keep the ball in the centre of the field and keep it moving with lots of ball movement and offloads in the middle of the set. They catch the Blues offside and get a penalty at the end of the set.

22 mins: NSW have great field position and all eyes are on the tryline, but it’s an underwhelming end to the set with no one for Fuimaono to pass to and she gets wrapped up and there’s a handover. Queensland don’t make huge metres and Tonegato sprints up on the kick return.

20 mins: NSW give away a penalty, which leads to that Queensland try. The conversion is missed, but it will be back to the drawing board for the Blues, who need to build a lead. They give away another penalty in the first set after the try, but Temara fails to find touch and NSW gets the ball back.


Well it’s like the Maroons read what I just said about them and were spurred into action. A great break by Gray puts Upton into some space and she steps around the defence and scores easily.

16 mins: Tonegato has been solid under the high ball tonight – looking a lot more confident than she did in game one. It must be said that it looks like NSW are playing to win, while Queensland look more like they’re trying not to lose.

14 mins: NSW make good metres and put up a great kick, but they can’t retain possession and the Maroons head back down the field. NSW find some space off the kick and Penitani makes another break, getting the ball to Tonegato and they’re in front of Queensland’s line again. They get close to another try, but can’t finish it off.


Every point counts for NSW tonight, so no surprises they take this opportunity and Southwell knocks it over beautifully.

10 mins: Unfortunately for the Maroons, they make an error and drop the ball early in the set and hand the ball back to NSW. Kelly makes a beautiful break down the sideline and offloads to Penitani, who makes more metres. They can’t get it all the way down the field, but the pressure forces Queensland offside and Southwell takes a penalty kick.

8 mins: Another completed set for NSW and Upton takes the high ball safely. Queensland continue to play fairly conservatively, making around 30m from their sets and kicking conventionally. But they get the ball back from an Apps error and get another shot.

6 mins: Queensland play a conservative first set and Tonegato takes the kick well. The Sky Blues already look more confident and settled than game one. They pick up a penalty early in the set and they quickly make their way towards the line for the Penitani try. Southwell misses the conversion and they get the ball back with the first tackle on their 20m line.


Penitani makes an immediate impact and scores just short of the dead ball line!

2 mins: A good start by Southwell, taking the opening kick well and NSW complete their first set, but then give up a penalty straight away and march the Maroons down the field. Queensland start their set well.

And we’re off! Queensland kicking off to NSW.

Teams are out on the field now in Townsville – a huge roar from the crowd as Queensland came through the tunnel. On a non-football related point, there are a LOT of braids out there tonight. I wonder who the official team braiders are? Every team has one.

The Welcome to Country is delivered by Uncle Brenton Creed.

Queensland run out. Photograph: Scott Radford-Chisholm/AAP

Some exciting news for the crowd tonight – apparently if the ball goes into the crowd, if you catch it, you can keep it – no need to throw it back! Keep an eye out for that during the game – hopefully we don’t see any brawls over who gets to keep the ball!

Sky Blues are looking pumped! Getting close to kick off now…

It’s a huge night in women’s sport – the women’s Ashes Test gets underway tonight as well. If you’re keen to keep up with the excitement of both games, pop our over-by-over live blog into another tab and enjoy both games at once!

So it’s just the one change for Queensland – as expected after their dominant performance in game one. China Polata comes in for the suspended Julia Robinson and will make her Origin debut.

Skye Blues fans will be relieved to see Tiana Penitani and Simaima Taufa back in the line up, after they missed game one through injury. Penitani’s return to the starting line up means Fuimaono has moved from the centres to five-eighth, with Sergis shifting back into the centre position and Penitani on the wing. Rachel Pearson has dropped out of the team after starting at halfback in game one.

Team list - New South Wales

1. Emma Tonegato

2. Jaime Chapman

3. Jessica Sergis

4. Isabelle Kelly

5. Tiana Penitani

6. Taliah Fuimaono

7. Jesse Southwell

8. Kezie Apps

9. Keeley Davis

10. Millie Boyle

11. Olivia Kernick

12. Yasmin Clydsdale

13. Simaima Taufa


14. Quincy Dodd

15. Kennedy Cherrington

16. Sarah Togatuki

17. Shaylee Bent

Team list - Queensland

1. Tamika Upton

2. China Polata

3. Shenae Ciesiolka

4. Evania Pelite

5. Emily Bass

6. Tarryn Aiken

7. Zahara Temara

8. Shannon Mato

9. Destiny Brill

10. Keilee Joseph

11. Tazmin Gray

12. Romy Teitzel

13. Ali Brigginshaw


14. Emma Manzelmann

15. Jessika Elliston

16. Sophie Holyman

17. Shaniah Power


Megan Maurice

Well, here we are! Game two – the very first game two of women’s State of Origin. Though there have been arguments for a three game series, it’s not happening this year and thus this game takes on incredible importance. Queensland won game one 18-10, so let’s take you through the scenarios for deciding the winner of the series.

If Queensland win by any margin, or the game is drawn after golden point extra time, then the Maroons take the series. Likewise if Queensland lose by a margin of seven points or fewer, they will be declared the series winners. In order to take the shield back, New South Wales need a win of nine points or more.

Ah, but what if NSW wins by eight points exactly? I hear you ask. Never fear, the wily folks at the ARL Commission have an answer for that too. Here is what will happen:

If, at the conclusion of the series the two teams are equal on aggregate score (total points scored across the two matches), a series winner will be determined according to the following criteria from the two matches: Most tries scored. Then if equal, most goals kicked. Then if equal, most drop goals kicked. Then if equal, least amount of penalties conceded across the two matches. Then if equal, the team that scored the first try of the series. Then if equal, The team that scored the first goal of the series. Then if equal, the team that scored the first drop goal of the series.”

For your reference, it was Queensland who scored the first try of the series – with Julia Robinson crossing in the seventh minute of game one. So the Maroons will go in with the edge on that one.

We’ll run through the teams shortly, but a key change to know is that Robinson will miss this match, taking the early guilty plea for her hit on Isabelle Kelly in the 33rd minute of game one, that saw Kelly head to hospital with a throat injury and miss the remainder of the match. Kelly was fortunately later cleared of a larynx fracture and will be back in the Sky Blues tonight.

Game one was fairly error-filled, showing the lack of top level rugby league the players have had recently. Expect tonight’s match to be tighter from both teams, with fewer dropped balls and penalties conceded.

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