Passenger arrested at Sydney Airport after allegedly making threats ...

14 Aug 2023

Passengers onboard a Malaysia Airlines flight from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur have criticised the response time of authorities after a man allegedly made threats onboard and caused the flight to be turned back.

Sydney Airport - Figure 1
Photo ABC News
Key points:Police said the man was arrested without incidentHe is expected to be chargedIt caused delays and cancellations on domestic flights at Sydney Airport

Malaysia Airlines flight MH122 had left Sydney about 1:06pm on Monday and was flying over far western NSW when it turned back to the airport at approximately 3:41pm, in what police described as an "emergency".

Passengers posted videos on social media showing a man who appeared agitated raising his voice to cabin crew and fellow passengers.

The ABC understands the 45-year-old also allegedly made threats but it is unclear exactly what those alleged threats were or who they were directed at.

In a statement, the AFP said the 45-year-old man was arrested and passengers removed from the plane without incident.

"There is no impending threat to the community," the statement said.

"The AFP will not divulge operational matters, however, an emergency response plan was enacted and an evacuation was initiated once it was deemed safe for passengers and crew."

The man is expected to be charged today.

The AFP said the man is expected to be charged.(ABC News)

Sydney Airport - Figure 2
Photo ABC News

Some passengers criticised police for the time it took them to arrest the man and remove him from the plane after landing back at Sydney International Airport.

On social media, some passengers said it took police three hours to enter the plane parked on the tarmac.

"We landed back in Sydney at about 3:45. We are STILL on the plane with this guy. Who has arced up again and tried to take on a passenger who stood up to him. Lord help us if we ever have a more serious incident," Sammi Marks posted on Twitter.

"Captain came over intercom saying the authorities are still formulating a plan to get us off the plane safely … lucky we're not on fire, we'd all be toast by the time the talking heads got their shit together."

Another passenger, Ilya Vlasov, said there was not enough communication and the handling of the situation was a "total mess".

"I'm on MH122 now and have zero idea where the hell is the police … there is zero sign of security forces around. Is their plan just to wait till he falls asleep?"

Others praised the cabin crew for trying to keep the man calm.

The man allegedly made threats while on the plane.(Supplied: @chzaib)

Photos and video show that passengers were moved away from the man as cabin crew spoke to him.

Passengers said they were told to leave all belongings behind when they were eventually able to disembark.

They were given vouchers to stay in a hotel overnight and their flight is expected to be rescheduled for today.

The incident caused major delays for domestic travel out of Sydney Airport yesterday with 32 flights cancelled and delays of up to 90 minutes.

No international flights were cancelled.

Posted 12 hours agoMon 14 Aug 2023 at 9:51am, updated 8 minutes agoMon 14 Aug 2023 at 10:03pm

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