10 Activities to Help Pass the Time Between Events

10 Activities to Help Pass the Time Between Events

Whether racing in a dual meet at the high school level or taking part in an invitational, swimmers are often left with down time between events. Time between races can be hours spent on the pool deck. It can be an awkward period – not enough time to grab a meal, but long enough to get bored. Since we already went over what to do in between prelims and finals, here are a few activities to do in between races. 

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Photo Swimming World Magazine


We are all guilty of skipping a warmup or warmdown. Sometimes, after a really hard race, we don’t want to get back in to swim down. At the same time, if we were just warming down, sometimes we don’t want to get in again. Spending time helping your body recover is important between races. Get it done! 

Listen to Music 

Photo Courtesy: Kalina DiMarco

Listening to music is a great way to unwind after a hard or difficult race. Listening to your favorite songs helps you mentally recover and get ready to swim again. Hype music can also bring back energy when getting ready to go again. 

Play Cards 

Card games are a classic, swim-meet pastime. Fast card games like slapjack, rummy, Uno and more will allow a revolving door of athletes be able to participate and leave as their event calls. Card games are a great way to kill a bunch of time, and are an even better way to spend time with teammates. 

Catch Up with Family 

Family members are also stuck waiting in between your events on the bleachers. Talking with family can be a great way to catch up and relax in between races. They can also be great listeners for any feelings that come up after the race. 

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Photo Swimming World Magazine

Drink Water and Eat a Snack

This is another thing that can be difficult to remember. Even if you are not hungry or thirsty, it is important to refuel and rehydrate after a race. Working hard causes you to burn a lot of water and energy. It can take a toll on your body by the time the next race rolls around! Be sure to fuel your body.


Photo Courtesy: Annie Grevers

Staying loose in between events is important. Recovery for tight and tired muscles through stretching can help keep that loose and rested feeling. Stretching is also fun to do with teammates.

Plan your Next Swim 

Race plans are integral to any athlete’s success within the sport. Knowing them back to front is important, as well as factoring in things you noticed in warmup. Thinking through and understanding the plan for the next race can be a useful way to spend time. 

Play Phone Games 

Phone games do not always have to be independent. There are several fun games to play with teammates. Popular ones like Heads Up!, Among Us, and Psych are great ways to have some fun with friends. 


Coloring books and pencils provide an inexpensive way of passing time! If you are the type that likes to relax and does not want to think too much about racing, this is a great option. Even working on a single coloring page with teammates can be fun. 

Cheer for Teammates 

While you are waiting for your next swim, several of your teammates will have races. Getting behind the lane and cheering for teammates is a great way to keep the energy going. Watching your friends have amazing swims makes you even more excited for your own races.

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