The stars of 'Travel Guides' are hoping for five-star salaries – or they ...

2 days ago

Pay up or they walk.

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Nine’s Travel Guides has never been hotter. It’s topping the ratings week after week. And it’s just been nominated for Best Lifestyle Program at this year’s TV WEEK Logie Awards.

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But the show’s overwhelming success is quietly the cause of a major headache for the TV network behind the scenes.

While bigwigs are delighted that the popular travel series is thrashing its TV rivals, its surge in popularity has some of the lovable cast members wanting more in return – such as bigger pay cheques!

Travel Guides is a smashing success on Nine. (Image: Instagram) A PIECE OF THE PIE FOR TRAVEL GUIDES CAST

Since launching in 2017, the series has made household names out of everyday Aussie travel critics like Kevin and Janetta, the Fren family and Doris, Kev and Teng.

But TV insiders reveal that some of the cast are desperately hoping their salaries are increased to better reflect their star power.

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While many might assume frequent travel and worldly experiences were enough for the stars, insiders point out that the show only films for a limited amount of time each year. That makes it difficult for the cast to find work outside of it.

In fact, sources suggest that contestants are often forced to negotiate ambassadorships and brand deals to pay their monthly bills.

Indeed, the Fren family are regularly spruiking lucrative partnerships with Jetstar and Travel Money Oz on their social media accounts.

Fans wonder if the cast are playing things up a little too hard. (Image: Instagram) SUPPLEMENTAL INCOME FOR THE CAST

Sources say that with the show’s multiple Logie wins, longstanding popularity and proven ratings track record, some stars are hoping for more money and better perks when cameras start to roll on the next season.

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It’s believed that most of the stars signed on to the show in 2017 for a very small fee and now are keen for their contracts to include extended travel time, improved travel expenses and first-class flights.

TV insiders point out that the show has no shortage of people keen to be part of it. However, finding travel guides who have the personality and onscreen presence to really make people laugh is difficult. And the current cast know how to play the part of their “characters” to ensure variation across the guides.

In fact, fans are starting to wonder whether they’re playing things up a little too hard.

“They’re starting to change. So sad,” commented one viewer of the Frens.

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