Succession finale: Let's talk about that ending, series highlights, and ...

30 May 2023

Succession is over, and we actually have a successor! So, what did we make of that series finale?

Join us as we unpack the show, share our series highlights and farewell the Roys one last time. 

Key events43 minutes agoTue 30 May 2023 at 1:27am Sarah Snook shares the first snap of her baby as she farewells Succession
Succession power rankings: watch the Roys' rise and fall

Over the course of the final season I've been recapping each episode on a weekly basis, plus charting the rise and fall of the Roy family.

Catch up on the weekly recaps below:

When Tom placed that stick on Greg's head

Can we please talk about Tom putting the sticker on Greg at the end? I died!!

- Emily

So much symbolism! Tom literally owns Greg now. I saw another great take online that said it could also be interpreted as putting a target on Greg.

Thoughts from you: 'Satisfying finish'

A satisfying finish! That finale was hilarious and really there could be no other outcome after that behavior! Great series and sad it’s over!

- Julie H

Completely agree with you, Julie!

I'm glad there wasn't any "shock twist" because it wouldn't have matched the rest of the show.

Thoughts from you: 'Somehow poetic Tom was with Logan'

Somehow its poetic that it was Tom with Logan when he died and now he's won the game in the end.

- Michael

Yes! Tom Wambsgans is nothing if not loyal.

Alexander Skarsgård gave us some great insight on HBO's official Succession podcast about Tom's loyalty. He pointed to Episode 9: Church and State when he realised Tom didn't attend Logan's funeral because he was putting out fires at work. Matsson respected that! He was witnesses the pain sponge in action.

How about that final shot of Roman?

How about the final shot of Roman?!? I don’t think even he knows how he feels. But he’s definitely broken. A myriad of emotions.

- Sam

I think you've hit the nail on the head when you wrote "I don't think even he knows how he feels."

There's A LOT going on with Roman, but that little smile from him was so satisfying. Our boy is free!

A close up of Roman, with a bleeding scar on his forehead, with a small smile on his face.(HBO)

From the very first episode this season Roman was wondering why they all aren't just buying snowmobiles and eating sushi and, I don't know, being billionaires and not working.

I wish him well!

A quick Succession analysis with Virginia Trioli

Right to the end, it's been a show brave enough to take us into the heart of family darkness, framed always by trauma and neglect, choked with dark laughter and lifted by translucent performances. Yet again, you start the episode, and then you don't exhale until it's over.

 The little touches in this final episode were splendid: Greg and the original cowbell he knocked off the table when he visited Logan's apartment in the very first episode; Lady Caroline luring her children in Barbados so her grifter upper-class twit husband can try and con them into a barely legal investment; the torture of watching Shiv, Roman and Kendall kids come together in the kitchen in genuine joy and play, all the while knowing this communion cannot last; the video of Logan singing Irish ballads with his eldest son and the hangers-on, while the three kids watch on, excluded, ignorant of this fun, so far from his company. What did Shiv say? "It was so warm in the light."

A Roy kids sit around a tv screen.(HBO)

In the end, Logan won. As he said, he always wins. And the win was the most awful one of all, because the patriarch's success depended on his children never being raised with the maturity, independence and capacity to ever take him on and beat him.

None of the kids were ever going to get the prize, and in the end it doesn't really matter that Tom does (he'll be canned by Matsson eventually) but the decision sets the course for the kids that was originally charted by their brutal parents: Shiv to become her mother as Logan-lite Tom eventually shrugs her off for a newer model; Roman to descend into lonely nihilism and poor Kendall with little more than billions to help him make sense of a world that has now permanently shrunk to the size of his eternal childhood fears.

Any Succession AND Barry fans in the house?

I know that this is a Succesion blog, but having both Barry and Succession finish on such satisfying endings completely made my night.

- TJ

I still haven't watched Barry but it's on my list, but I am really feeling for everyone who just said goodbye to TWO great shows.

How are we going to spend our Monday nights now? ????

Thoughts from you: 'I was disappointed'

I was disappointed in the whole final series. I had to skip sections of the final episode as it was just boring dribble.

- Rick

Rick! Disappointed throughout the entire final season? SKIPPING parts of the finale? You are in the minority here!

What sort of ending would have been satisfying for you? ????

Thoughts from you: 'We needed more Gerri'

Did anyone else feel like we needed more Gerri in the finale? Our Queen slayed this season with her outfits. I was left wanting more Roman/Gerri! And was Roman drinking her drink of choice at the bar in his final scene?

- Justice for Gerri

COMPLETELY AGREE. J Smith Cameron has said before that so many little scenes with the "old guard" get cut in the editing process. We need some deleted scenes ASAP.

And good spotting, I didn't connect the dots that Roman might be sipping her drink of choice at the end.

To honour our queen who stays slaying, here's one of her best looks from the entire series.

Gerri and Roman talk. Gerri's in a grey outfit with a matching hat.She could have gotten him there.(HBO)
We need to discuss Willa

Willa. We need to discuss Willa.

- Lizzie

She is such a winner in the end, what with her cow-print couch and her play reading coming up in a good six to nine months! Willa stays winning.

Can we take a moment to thank Nicholas Britell?

I don't know about anyone else but I am still singing the theme music in my head, can't let go!! - Jane

The composer and pianist gave us theme music that will go down in history as one of the best television show openers of all time.

In the video below, Britell breaks down the creation process to Vanity Fair and it's fascinating.

He talks about how he threw in chords you wouldn't normally so the music had a sense of being off kilter, just like the Roy family dynamic.

All hail Sarah Snook

I'm not just saying this because she's Australian, but Sarah Snook's performance in the finale was sooooooo good. But also that scene with Roman being pushed into Kendall's shoulder was so gripping and painful. ????

- Tom

If Sarah Snook doesn't finally win an Emmy for her portrayal of Shiv Roy, we riot at dawn.

And we MUST discuss that scene with Roman's stitches. At first I thought Roman was hurting himself, but then realised Kendall wasn't letting go. What did we all make of that moment?

Sarah Snook shares the first snap of her baby as she farewells Succession

Look at that perfect little head ❤️

Overnight, Sarah Snook took to Instagram to say goodbye to Succession, and give us a sneak peak of her new baby.

"It's hard to express what this show has meant to me," Snook writes.

"I just watched the final episode of the final season of something that has changed my life. And now, my life has changed again. Thank you for all the love and support."

Thoughts from you: 'Shiv submitted herself like a lamb to slaughter'

I think Shiv submitted herself as a sacrifice to male power games like a lamb to the slaughter. To me She looked abominably frightened as the new sleaze king carried her off in his black maria...

- John

Okay agreed, this final shot of Shiv and Tom will be burned into my brain forever.

It says so much! The weak hand hold!

Ultimately, I believe Shiv sort of "saved" Kendall but not crowning him, but they all reverted to their childhood selves and if she can't have the toy, she doesn't want her siblings to have it either.

Tom and Shiv weakly hold hands in the car.(HBO)
Let's talk about where Shiv ended up

I'm still recovering from the finale!! I'm devastated but accepting of how it ended for the Roy siblings. What do we think about Lady Macbeth Shiv? I thought it was terrible how Matsson kicked her to the curb for Tom :(

- Rachel

"Devastating but accepting" is exactly how I feel as well, Rachel!

In terms of Shiv, there's been a lot of "discourse" online about how she's doomed herself forever.

But she's smart! She said herself she doesn't like being betrayed, and ages ago during that family therapy session Logan said she picked Tom as a husband because he's lower than her and would never betray her (we know how that turned out.)

I think it was incredibly strategic for Shiv to back Tom, because now she's always be close to the centre of the power, but it won't be her on the frontlines — Tom is going to be everyone's "pain sponge," as Matsson put it.

Do we agree? Disagree? Let me know!

Shiv stands in a boardroom with her assistant.(HBO)
Let's (first) chat about spoilers

It goes without saying, but there will be SPOILERS ABOUND on the blog today.

So if you haven't seen the Succession series finale, or are planning on starting the show now that it's all wrapped up and DON'T want spoilers, look away now!

Alright. Time to kick things off for good!

Welcome to our Succession post-finale live blog!

Well, it's over. After four seasons spanning five years, Succession has ended. And we actually have a successor!

So, what did we all think of that finale? What would Logan make of it all? Which episodes throughout the series have been your favourites? Which lines do you constantly quote?

We want to hear it all! So join us as we unpack that 90-minute series finale and bid farewell to the Roy family one last time.

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